Published works
1.Friedrich L. Bauer. 1995. Entzifferte Geheimnisse, Methoden und Maximen der Kryptologie. Berlin: Springer Verlag. German.
2.Friedrich L. Bauer. 1996. Decrypted Secrets, Methods und Maxims of Cryptology. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
3.Bengt Beckman. 1996. Svenska kryptobedrifter (Swedish crypto achievements) Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Förlag. Swedish.
4.W.W. Chandler. 1983. The Installation and Maintenance of Colossus. Annals of the History of Computing. July, 5(3): 260-262.
5.Allen W.M. Coombs. 1983. The Making of Colossus. Annals of the History of Computing. July, 5(3): 253-259.
6.Donald W. Davies. 1982. The Siemens and Halske T52E Cipher Machine. Cryptologia. October, 6(4): 289-308.
7.Donald W. Davies. 1983. The Early Models of the Siemens and Halske T52 Cipher Machine. Cryptologia. July, 7(3): 235-253.
8.Donald W. Davies. 1994. New Information on the History of the Siemens and Halske T52 Cipher Machine. Cryptologia. April, 18(2): 141-146.
9.Donald W. Davies. 1995. The Lorenz Cipher Machine SZ42. Cryptologia. January, 19(1): 39-61.
10.Cipher A. Deavours and Louis Kruh. 1986. Mechanics of the German Telecipher Machine. Cryptologia. October, 10(4): 243-247.
11.Thomas H. Flowers. 1983. The Design of Colossus. Annals of the History of Computing. July, 5(3): 239-252.
12.Georg Glünder. 1989. Als Funker und ``Geheimschreiber'' im Krieg 1941-1945. Pionier, Nr.11/12, 1989 and Nr.2, 1990. German. Translated into English by Paul K. Whitaker. Unpublished.
13.Dieter Gollman and W.G. Chambers. 1989. Clock-Controlled Shift Registers: A Review. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. May, 7(4): 525-533.
14.I.J. Good. 1993. Enigma and Fish. In ed. F.H. Hinsley and Alan Stripp. 1993. Codebreakers, The Inside Story of Bletchley Park. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp.149-166.
15.Ken Halton. 1993. The Tunny Machine. In ed. Hinsley and Stripp. Codebreakers. pp.167-174.
16.Gil Hayward. 1993. Operation Tunny. In ed. Hinsley and Stripp. Codebreakers. pp.175-192.
17.F.H. Hinsley. 1984. Geheimschreiber (Fish). In F.H. Hinsley British Intelligence in the Second World War. London: HMSO. Volume 3, Part 1. Appendix 2, pp.477-482.
18.F.H. Hinsley. 1993. An Introduction to Fish. In ed. Hinsley and Stripp. 1993. Codebreakers. pp.141-148.
19.David Kahn. 1979. The Geheimschreiber. Cryptologia. October, 3(4): 210-214.
20.Wolfgang Mache. 1986. Geheimschreiber. Cryptologia. October, 10(4): 230-242.
21.Wolfgang Mache. 1989. The Siemens Cipher Teletype in the History of Telecommunications. Cryptologia. April, 13(2): 97-117.
22.Wolfgang Mache. 1992. Der Siemens-Geheimschreiber -- ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Telekommunikation 1992: 60 Jahre Schlüsselfernschreibmachine. Archiv für deutsche Postgeschichte. Heft 2: 85-94. German.
23.Wolfgang Mache. 1993. Lexikon der Text- und Daten-Kommunikation. R. Oldenbourg Verlag, München. 3rd, revised edition. German.
24.Brian Randell. 1980. The Colossus. In ed. N. Metropolis et. al. A History of Computing in the Twentieth Century. New York: Academic Press. pp. 47-92.
25.Ernst S. Selmer. 1993. From the Memoirs of a Norwegian Cryptologist. In ed. Tor Helleseth. Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT '93. New York: Springer Verlag. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 765: 142-150.
26.Ernst S. Selmer. 1994. The Norwegian Modification of the Siemens and Halske T52E Cipher Machines. Cryptologia. April, 18(2): 147-149.
27.Glenn Zorpette. 1987. Breaking the enemy's code. IEEE Spectrum. September, 24(9): 47-51.
28.Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine. 1937. Der Geheimzusatz der Siemens-Fernschreibmachine T.typ.52. M.Dv. Nr. 35. Geheim. Berlin, Oktober 1937.
29.Deutsche Wehrmacht. 1942. Schlüsselfernschreibvorschrift (SFV). H.Dv. g 422, L.Dv. g 704/3b, M.Dv. Nr. 924a. Geheim. 1.12.42.
30.Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine. 1944. Die Siemens-Schlüsselfernschreibmachine SFM T52d (T typ 52 d). M.Dv. Nr. 35IV, D.(Luft) T.g.Kdos. 9105d. Geheime Kommandosache. Berlin, März 1944.