Index to International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence
Volumes 1 to 16 (1986–2003)
by Ralph Erskine
Bacon, John, The French Connection Revisited: 4(4) 507-523
Bagley, Tennent H., Bane of Counterintelligence: Our Penchant for
Self-Deception: 6(1) 1-20
Bagley, Tennent H., Treason in the KGB: New Facts from Inside:
5(1) 63-75
Baker, Jeffrey L., Domestic and National Security Wiretaps: A
Fourth Amendment Perspective: 12(1) 1-17
Bar-Joseph, Uri and Zachary Sheaffer, Surprise And Its
Causes in Business Administration and Strategic Studies: 11(3) 331-350
Bar-Joseph, Uri, A Bull in a China Shop: Netanyahu and Israel’s
Intelligence Community: 11(2) 154-174
Bar-Joseph, Uri, Israel Caught Unaware: Egypt’s Sinai Surprise of
1960: 8(2) 203-220
Barkin, Edward S. and L. Michael Meyer, COMINT and
Pearl Harbor: FDR’s Mistake: 2(4) 513-531
Barrett, David M., Glimpses of a Hidden History: Sen. Richard
Russell, Congress, and Oversight of the CIA: 11(3) 271-298
Barzilai, Gad and Gideon Doron, The Middle East
Power Balance: Israel’s Attempts to Understand Changes in Soviet-Arab Relations:
5(1) 35-47
Baugher, Thomas R., Swans Swimming in the Sewer: Legal Use of
"Dirty Assets" by CIA: 9(3) 435-471
Baumard, Philippe, From Noticing to Making Sense: Using
Intelligence to Develop Strategy: 7(1) 29-73
Bell, J. Bowyer, Aspects of the Dragonworld: Covert
Communications and the Rebel Ecosystem: 3(1) 15-43
Bell, J. Bowyer, Dragonworld (II): Deception, Tradecraft,
and the Provisional IRA: 8(1) 21-50
Bell, J. Bowyer, Toward a Theory of Deception: 16(2)
Bellocchi, Luke P., Assessing the Effectiveness of the Economic
Espionage Act of 1996: 14(3) 366-387
Ben-Zvi, Abraham, Between Warning and Response: The Case of the
Yom Kippur War: 4(2) 227-242
Beres, Louis René, Getting Beyond Nuclear Deterrence: Israel,
Intelligence and False Hope: 10(1) 75-90
Beres, Louis René, Intelligence and Nuclear Terrorism: Preventing
"Pain into Power": 9(2) 159-167
Beres, Louis René, Preventing the Ultimate Nightmare. Nuclear
Terrorism Against the United States: 10(3) 333-342
Beres, Louis René, The Iranian Threat To Israel: Capabilities And
Intentions: 9(1) 159-167
Bisher, Jamie, German and Chilean Agents in Peru: Entwined by a
Yen for Espionage: 6(2) 205-212
Bittman, Ladislav, The Use of Disinformation by Democracies: 4(2)
Blash, Edmund Charles II, Strategic Intelligence Analysis and
National Decisionmaking: A Systems Management Approach: 6(1) 55-68
Bloom, Murray Teigh, The Bank Note World’s Security Obsession:
2(4) 533-545
Bloom, Murray Teigh, Uncle Sam: Bashful Counterfeiter: 2(3)
Bloomfield Jr., Lincoln P., The Legitimacy of Covert Action:
Sorting Out the Moral Responsibilities: 4(4) 525-537
Bonthous, Jean-Marie, Understanding Intelligence Across Cultures:
7(3) 275-311
Bowman, M. E., Intelligence and International Law: 8(3)
Breckinridge, Scott D., The Shape of Post-Cold War Intelligence:
8(1) 1-10
Breemer, Jan S., Soviet Naval Capabilities: 1(4) 119-132
Bruneau, Thomas C., Controlling Intelligence in New Democracies:
14(3) 323-341
Bullock, Joan G., Intelligence Support of Military Operations: A
Perspective: 4(2) 181-198
Burke, James F., The Role of Capital Markets Intelligence in
Corporate Management: 7(4) 429-433
Burris, William C., The Uses of History in Intelligence Analysis:
6(3) 297-301
Cable, Larry, Piercing the Mists: Limited and Ambiguous Conflicts:
4(1) 59-76
Callum, Robert, The Case for Cultural Diversity in the
Intelligence Community: 14(1) 25-48
Campbell, Kenneth J., Bedell Smith’s Imprint on the CIA: 1(2)
Canfield, Jeffrey L., Gerbil Redux: What Course Ahead for Naval
Intelligence?: 6(3) 271-295
Carroll, Thomas Patrick, The Case Against Intelligence Openness:
14(4) 559-574
Castagna, Michael J., Virtual Intelligence: Reengineering Doctrine
for the Information Age: 10(2) 180-195
Cavallini, Enrique H. J., The Malvinas/Falkland Affair: A
New Look: 2(2) 203-216
Cepik, Marco and Priscila Antunes, Brazil’s New
Intelligence System: An Institutional Assessment: 16(3) 349-373
Champion, Brian, Subreptitious Aircraft in Transnational Covert
Operations: 11(4) 453-478
Chapman, Robert D., Reflections on Terrorism: A Sideline View:
12(2) 207-226
Chase, Michael S. and James C. Mulvenon, The
Decommercialization of China’s Ministry of State Security: 15(4) 481-495
Chomeau, John B., Covert Action’s Proper Role in U.S. Policy: 2(3)
Cimbala, Stephen J., Amorphous Wars: 2(1) 73-89
Cimbala, Stephen J., Mainstreaming Military Deception: 3(4)
Claburn, Jeffrey, Public Constraints on Assassination as an
Instrument of U.S. Foreign Policy: 7(1) 97-109
Cline, Lawrence E., Operational Intelligence in Peace Enforcement
and Stability Operations: 15(2) 179-194
Cochran, Edwin S., South Korea’s Intelligence Targets U.S.
Technology: 16(2) 179-201
Cohen, Edmund, The CIA and the Declassification of History: 12(3)
Cohen, Sam, Ted Hall: A Soldier From Venona: 11(3) 351-366
Cohen, William S., Congressional Oversight of Covert Actions: 2(2)
Collins, J. Foster, The Debate Continues: The CIA In
Indonesia: The Scholars vs. The Professionals – III. No U.S. Intrigue: 10(2)
Constantinides, George C., Tradecraft: Follies and Foibles: 1(4)
Crabb Jr. Cecil V., and Kevin V. Mulcahy, The
National Security Council and The Shaping of U.S. Foreign Policy: 3(2) 153-168
Croddy, Eric, Dealing with Al Shifa: Intelligence and
Counterproliferation: 15(1) 52-60
Cummings, Richard, A Diamond Is Forever: Mandela Triumphs,
Buthelezi and de Klerk Survive, and ANC on the U.S. Payroll: 8(2) 155-178
Currie, James T., Iran-Contra and Congressional Oversight of the
CIA: 11(2) 185-210
Dabelko, David D. and Geoffrey D. Dabelko, The
International Environment and the U.S. Intelligence Community: 6(1) 21-41.
Damask, Nicholas and Abraham H. Miller, Thinking
About Intelligence After the Fall of Communism: 6(3) 257-269
Daugherty, William J., Behind the Intelligence Failure in Iran:
14(4) 449-484
Daugherty, William J., Truman’s Iranian Policy, 1945-1953: The
Soviet Calculus: 15(4) 580-593
Dedijer, Stevan, British Intelligence: The Rainbow Enigma: 1(2)
Dedijer, Stevan, Ragusa Intelligence and Security (1301-1806): A
Model for the Twenty-First Century? 15(1) 101-114
Defalco III, Ralph Lee, Blind to the Sun: U.S. Intelligence
Failures Before the War with Japan: 16(1) 95-107
DeLuca, John Vito, Shedding Light on the Rising Sun: 2(1) 1-20
DeMars, William E., Hazardous Partnership: NGOs and United States
Intelligence in Small Wars: 14(2) 193-222
Dennison, M. G. and Dale F. Eickelman,
Arabizing the Omani Intelligence Services: Clash of Cultures?: 7(1) 1-28
Diamond, John M., Re-examining Problems and Prospects in U.S.
Imagery Intelligence: 14(1) 1-24
Dippel, John V. H., Jumping to the Right Conclusion: The
State Department Warning on Operation "Barbarossa": 6(2) 213-227
Donovan, G. Murphy, Evidence, Intelligence, and the Soviet
Threat: 1(2) 1-28
Dorn, A. Walter, The Cloak and the Blue Beret: Limitations
on Intelligence in UN Peacekeeping: 12(4) 414-447
Doron, Gideon and Martin Sherman, Free Societies And Their
Enemies: An Intelligence Assessment: 8(3) 307-320
Doron, Gideon and Boaz Shapira, Accountability for Secret
Operations in Israel: 4(3) 371-382
Doron, Gideon and Reuven Pedatzur, Israeli Intelligence:
Utility and Cost-effectiveness in Policy Formation: 3(3) 347-361
Doron, Gideon, Changes in Soviet-Arab Relations: 5(1) 35-47
Doron, Gideon, Israeli Intelligence: Tactics, Strategy, and
Prediction: 2(3) 305-319
Doron, Gideon, The Vagaries of Intelligence Sharing: The Political
Imbalance: 6(2) 135-146
Ebon, Martin, KGB in Transition: The Bakatin Interregnum: 6(3)
Eriksson, Pär, Intelligence in Peacekeeping Operations: 10(1) 1-18
Erskine, Ralph, Churchill and the Start of the Ultra-Magic Deals:
10(1) 57-74
Erskine, Ralph, Naval Enigma: A Missing Link: 3(4) 493-508
Evans, Joseph C., Berlin Tunnel Intelligence: A Bumbling KGB: 9(1)
Evans, Joseph C., U.S. Business Competitiveness and the
Intelligence Community: 7(3) 353-361
Feer, Fredric S., Intelligence Storytelling: Moshe Dayan and the
1970 Cease-fire: 11(4) 429-445
Feldman, Daniel L., Constitutional Dimensions of the Iran-contra
Affair: 2(3) 381-397
Fischer, Ben B., "One of the Biggest Ears in the World:" East
German SIGINT: 11(2) 142-153
Fischer, Benjamin B., Farewell to Sonia, the Spy Who Haunted
Britain: 15(1) 61-76
Fishel, Edwin C., Myths That Never Die: 2(1) 27-58
Fishel, Reverdy S., The Attack on the Liberty: An "Accident"?:
8(3) 345-352
Godson, Roy and James J. Wirtz, Strategic Denial and
Deception: 13(4) 424-437
Gollin, James, Stirring Up The Past: KAL Flight 007: 7(4) 445-463
Gordon, Don E., Private Minnock’s Private War: 4(2) 199-218
Gordon, Don E., Winners and Losers: 1(3) 1-24
Goulden, Joseph C., The Rogue of Rogues: 1(1) 76-82
Grabo, Cynthia M., The Watch Committee and the National
Indications Center: The Evolution of U.S. Strategic Warning 1950-1975: 3(3)
Grant, Natalie, Deception on a Grand Scale: 1(4) 51-77
Greenberg, Maurice B. and Richard N. Haas, Making
Intelligence Smarter: 9(2) 135-1444
Gunter, Michael M., Susurluk: The Connection Between Turkey’s
Intelligence Community and Organized Crime: 11(2) 119-141
Gunter, Michael M., The Iraqi Opposition and the Failure of U.S.
Intelligence: 12(2) 135-167
Gunter, Michael, Mulla Mustafa Barzani and the Kurdish Rebellion
in Iraq: The Intelligence Factor: 7(4) 465-474
Halpern, Samuel and Hayden Peake, Did Angleton Jail
Nosenko?: 3(4) 451-464
Hansen, James H., RX: Intelligence Communications – Use Acronyms,
Allegories, and Metaphors Only as Directed: 2(1) 21-26
Hansen, James H., The Kremlin Follies of ’53... The Demise of
Lavrenti Beria: 4(1) 101-114
Hastedt, Glenn P., Controlling Intelligence: The Role of the DCI:
1(4) 25-40
Hastedt, Glenn P., Intelligence and U.S. Foreign Policy; How to
Measure Success?: 5(1) 49-62
Hastedt, Glenn, CIA’s Organizational Culture and the Problem of
Reform: 9(3) 249-269
Hastedt, Glenn, Seeking Economic Security Through Intelligence:
11(4) 385-401
Hedley, John Hollister, The CIA’s New Openness: 7(2) 129-141
Henderson, Robert D’A., "Project Rodriguista": Opposing Pinochet’s
Regime in Chile: 13(4) 438-489
Henderson, Robert D’A., Operation Vula Against Apartheid: 10(4)
Henderson, Robert D’A., South African Intelligence Transition from
de Klerk to Mandela: An Update: 8(4) 471-485
Henderson, Robert D’A., South African Intelligence Under de Klerk:
8(1) 51-90
Hitz, Frederick P., Obscuring Propriety: The CIA and Drugs: 12(4)
Hitz, Frederick P., The Future of American Espionage: 13(1) 1-20
Horowitz, Richard, A Framework for Understanding Intelligence:
8(4) 389-410
Horton, John, Mexico, The Way of Iran?: 1(2) 91-101
Horton, John, Reflections on Covert Action and Its Anxieties: 4(1)
Houston, Lawrence R., The CIA’s Legislative Base: 5(4) 411-415
Hulnick, Arthur S., CIA’s Relations with Academia: Symbiosis Not
Psychosis: 1(4) 41-50
Hulnick, Arthur S., Determining U.S. Intelligence Policy: 3(2)
Hulnick, Arthur S., Dirty Tricks for Profit: Covert Action in
Private Industry: 14(4) 529-544
Hulnick, Arthur S., Intelligence and Law Enforcement: The "Spies
Are Not Cops" Problem: 10(3) 269-286
Hulnick, Arthur S., Intelligence Cooperation in the Post-Cold War
Era: A New Game Plan: 5(4) 455-465
Hulnick, Arthur S., Learning About U.S. Intelligence: Difficult
But Not Impossible: 5(1) 89-99
Hulnick, Arthur S., Managing Analysis: Strategies for Playing the
End Game: 2(3) 321-343
Hulnick, Arthur S., Openness: Being Public About Secret
Intelligence: 12(4) 463-483
Hulnick, Arthur S., The Ames Case: HOW Could It Happen?: 8(2)
Hulnick, Arthur S., The Downside of Open Source Intelligence:
15(4) 565-579
Hulnick, Arthur S., The Uneasy Relationship Between Intelligence
And Private Industry: 9(1) 17-31
Hulnick, Arthur, S., U.S. Covert Action: Does It Have A
Future?: 9(2) 145-157
Hyde Jr., Earl M., Bernard Schuster and Joseph Katz: KGB Master
Spies in the United States: 12(1) 35-57
Hyde Jr., Earl M., Still Perplexed About Krivitsky: 16(3)
Ilardi, Gaetano Joe, The Whitlam Government’s 1973 Clash With
Australian Intelligence: 14(1) 62-88
Indinopulos, Thomas, Shin Bet’s Blind Side: 10(1) 91-96
Jelen, George F., The Defensive Disciplines of Intelligence: 5(4)
Jervis, Robert, What’s Wrong with the Intelligence Process?: 1(1)
Johnson, Loch K. and Annette Freyberg, Ambivalent
Bedfellows: German-American Intelligence Relations, 1969-1991: 10(2) 167-179
Johnson, Loch K., DCI Webster’s Legacy: The Judge’s
Self-Assessment: 5(3) 287-290
Johnson, Loch K., Making the Intelligence "Cycle" Work: 1(4) 1-23
Johnson, Loch K., Preface to a Theory of Strategic Intelligence:
16(4) 638-663
Johnson, Loch K., Strategic Intelligence: An American Perspective:
3(3) 299-332
Johnson, Loch K., The DCI vs the Eight-Hundred-Pound Gorilla:
13(1) 35-48
Johnson, William R., The Ambivalent Polygraph: 1(3) 71-83
Johnson, William R., The Elephants and the Gorillas: 1(1) 42-56
Johnson, William R., Tricks of the Trade: Counterintelligence
Interrogation: 1(2),103-113
Jones, Christopher M., The CIA Under Clinton: Continuity and
Change: 14(4) 503-528
Judd, Stephen G., The CIA and the University: A Problem of Power:
6(3) 339-358
Jumper, Roy D. L., Malaysia’s Senoi Praaq Special Forces:
13(1) 64-93
Kahana, Ephraim, Mossad-CIA Cooperation: 14(3) 409-420
Kahana, Ephraim, Reorganizing Israel’s Intelligence Community:
15(3) 415-428
Kahin, Audrey and George McT. Kahin, The Debate
Continues: The CIA In Indonesia: The Scholars vs. The Professionals – I. CIA’s
Men Disingenuous: 10(2) 206-217
Kaiser, Frederick M., GAO Versus the CIA: Uphill Battles Against
an Overpowering Force: 15(3) 330-389
Kaiser, Frederick M., Impact and Implications of the Iran-contra
Affair on Congressional
Kaiser, Frederick M., Oversight of Covert Action: 7(2) 205-234
Kaiser, Frederick M., The Watcher’s Watchdog: The CIA Inspector
General: 3(1) 55-75
Kalaris, George and Leonard McCoy, Counterintelligence for
the 1990s: 2(2) 179-187
Katz, Ytzhak and Ygal Vardi, Strategies for Data Gathering
and Evaluation in the Intelligence Community: 5(3) 313-328
Kenney, Michael C., Intelligence Games: Comparing the Intelligence
Capabilities of Law Enforcement Agencies and Drug Trafficking Enterprises: 16(2)
Kerr, Sheila, Oleg Tsarev’s Synthetic KGB Gems: 14(1) 89-116
Knight, Amy, Russian Archives: Opportunities and Obstacles: 12(3)
Knott, Stephen F., Covert Action Comes Home: Daniel Webster’s
Secret Operations Against the Citizens of Maine: 5(1) 77-87
Knott, Stephen F., The Great Republican Transformation on
Oversight: 13(1) 49-63
Knott, Stephen F., Thomas Jefferson’s Clandestine Foreign Policy:
4(3) 325-355
Koenen-Grant, Julie and Dick Nelson, A Case of Bureaucracy
"in Action": The U.S. Embassy in Moscow: 6(3) 303-317
Kovacs, Amos, The Nonuse of Intelligence: 10(4) 383-417
Krause, Lincoln B., Insurgent Intelligence: The Guerrilla
Grapevine: 9(3) 291-311
Krepon, Michael, Glasnost and Multilateral Verification:
Implications for the U.S. Intelligence Community: 4(1) 47-57
Lahneman, William J., Outsourcing the IC’s Stovepipes?: 16(4)
Leadbetter Jr., Col. Wyland F. and Cdr. Stephen J.
Bury, Prelude to Desert Storm: The Politicization of Intelligence: 6(1)
Lefebvre, Stéphane, The Difficulties and Dilemmas of International
Intelligence Cooperation: 16(4) 527-542
Lewis, Jeremy R. T., Freedom of Information: Developments
in the United Kingdom: 3(4) 465-473
Lewis, Jonathan E., National Security and Capital Markets: 6(4)
Loureiro, Pedro, The Imperial Japanese Navy and Espionage: The
Itaru Tachibana Case 1941: 3(1) 105-121
Lowenthal, Mark M., Intelligence Epistemology: Dealing with the
Unbelievable: 6(3) 319-325
Lukes, Igor, Great Expectations and Lost Illusions: Soviet Use of
Eastern European Proxies in the Third World: 3(1) 1-13
Lukes, Igor, The GPU and GRU in Pre-World War II Czechoslovakia:
8(1) 91-104
Macartney, John, Intelligence: A Consumer’s Guide: 2(4) 457-486
MacDonnell, Francis, The Search for a Second Zimmermann Telegram:
FDR, BSC, and the Latin American Front: 4(4) 487-505
MacPherson, Nelson, Reductio Ad Absurdum: The R&A Branch of
OSS/London: 15(3) 390-414
Madsen, Wayne, Intelligence Agency Threats to Computer Security:
6(4) 413-488
Maechling Jr., Charles., Official Secrets: British Style/American
Style: 2(3) 359-380
Maechling Jr., Charles., Scandal in Wartime Washington: The
Craufurd-Stuart Affair of 1918: 4(3) 357-370
Maguire, Keith, The Intelligence War in Northern Ireland: 4(2)
Mahoney, Harry Thayer, The Saga of Xenophon Dmitrivich
Kalamatiano: 8(2) 179-202
Manget, Fred F., Presidential Powers and Foreign Intelligence
Operations: 5(2) 131-153
Manget, Fred F., Restitution: A Better Way of Dealing with the
Wrongful Appropriation of Classified Government Secrets?: 4(1) 23-37
Mapother, John R., Watching the Evil Empire Dissolve: 14(4)
Marrin, Stephen, CIA’s Kent School: Improving Training for New
Analysts: 16(4) 609-637
Martin, David, Churchill’s Yugoslav Blunder: Precursor to the
Yugoslav Tragedy: 5(4) 417-431
Matthews, John P. C., The West’s Secret Marshall Plan for
the Mind: 16(3) 409-427
McCarthy, Gregory C., GOP Oversight of Intelligence in the Clinton
Era: 15(1) 26-51
McCarthy, Shaun, South Africa’s Intelligence Reformation: 9(1)
McGill, G. M. (Mert), OSCINT and the Private
Information Sector: 7(4) 435-443
Melman, Yossi and Dan Raviv, The Journalist’s Connections:
How Israel Got Russia’s Biggest Pre-glasnost Secret: 4(2) 219-225
Mescall, Patrick Neil, A Creature of Compromise: The Establishment
of the DIA: 7(3) 251-274
Michal, Kristen, Business Counterintelligence and the Role of the
U.S. Intelligence Community: 7(4) 413-427
Mierzejewski, Alfred C., Intelligence and the Strategic Bombing of
Germany: The Combined Strategic Targets Committee: 3(1) 83-104
Miller, Abraham H. and Brian Alexander, Structural
Quiescence in the Failure of IC21 and Intelligence Reform: 14(2) 234-261
Miller, Abraham H., How the CIA Fell Victim to Myth Posing as
Journalism: 10(3) 257-268
Miller, Dawn M., Dark Waters: Britain and Italy’s Invasion of
Albania, 7 April 1939: 16(2) 290-323
Mitchell, Fredric, Lots of Smoke – Little Fire: 1(4) 111-118
Mobley, Richard A., North Korea’s Surprise Attack: Weak U.S.
Analysis?: 13(4) 490-514
Moriarity, Anthony R., Abating Military Espionage Problems: 4(4)
Motley, James Berry, International Terrorism: A Challenge for U.S.
Intelligence: 1(1) 83-96
Motley, James Berry, The Army’s Need: A Relevant LIC Environment:
4(3) 383-405
Mrozinski, Lawrence G., Thomas Williams, Roman H.
Kent and Robin D. Tyner, Countering China’s Threat to the
Western Hemisphere: 15(2) 195-210
Mulcahy, Kevin V., The Bush Administration and National Security
Policymaking: A Preliminary Assessment: 4(2) 167-180
Murphy Jr., John F., Secret Weapons of the Secret War: 14(2)
Murphy Jr., John F., The Alaskan Mystery Flights: 9(1) 97-111
Nelsen, Harvey, The U.S. Intelligence Budget in the 1990s: 6(2)
Nelson, Patricia and Jon Sigurdson, Intelligence Gathering
and Japan: The Elusive Role of Grey Intelligence: 5(1) 17-34
Nolan, Cynthia M., Seymour Hersh’s Impact On The CIA: 12(1) 18-34
O’Brien, Kevin A., Interfering with Civil Society: CIA and KGB
Covert Political Action During the Cold War: 8(4) 431-456
O’Brien, Kevin A., South Africa’s Evolving Intelligence and
Security Structures: 9(2) 187-232
O’Toole, George J. A., Benjamin Franklin: American
Spymaster or British Mole?: 3(1) 45-53
O’Toole, George J. A., Kahn’s Law: A Universal Principle of
Intelligence?: 4(1) 39-46
O’Toole, George. J. A., The Chesapeake Capes:
American Intelligence Coup?: 10(2) 196-205
Oros, Andrew L., Japan’s Growing Intelligence Capability: 15(1)
Orton, J. Douglas and Jamie L. Callahan,
Important "Folk Theories" in Intelligence Reorganization: 8(4) 411-430
Orton, James Douglas, Cross-National Ethical Dilemmas in
Competitive Intelligence: 15(3) 440-456
Ott, Marvin C., Partisanship and the Decline of Intelligence
Oversight: 16(1) 69-94
Paritzky, Ethan J., Removing Opacity: Putting Israel’s Nuclear
Capability Under the LAMP: 16(3) 389-408
Peter Callamari and Derek Reveron, China’s Use of Perception
Management: 16(1) 1-15
Phares, Walid, The Intelligence Services in Lebanon During the War
of 1975-1990: 7(3) 363-381
Phillips, David Atlee, "Goodbye, Mr. President." "Enjoy Your
Retirement, Director": 1(2) 127-132
Phillips, David Atlee, CIA-Bashing Time Again: Covert Action Is
the Blunt Instrument: 2(1) 115-121
Phillips, David Atlee, Intelligence Is No Laughing Matter: 2(2)
Phillips, David Atlee, Some Truth, Some Untruth, Some Half-Truth:
1(3) 109-114
Phillips, David Atlee, The Great White Case Officer: 1(1) 97-102
Phillips, David Atlee, The Walker Family Revisited. Philip Agee
Returns: 1(4) 133-139
Pine, Shawn M., CISOC: The Army’s Counterintelligence Special
Operations Concept: 9(1) 81-95
Pine, Shawn M., Deficiencies in Military Counterintelligence: A
View From the Field: 8(2) 221-228
Polgar, Tom, Defection and Redefection: 1(2) 29-42
Polgar, Tom, The Intelligence Services of West Germany: 1(4) 79-96
Politi, Alessandro, The Citizen as "Intelligence Minuteman": 16(1)
Porteous, Samuel D., Economic/Commercial Interests and the World’s
Intelligence Services: A Canadian Perspective: 8(3) 275-306
Pringle, Robert W., Andropov’s Counterintelligence State: 13(2)
Pringle, Robert W., Putin: The New Andropov?: 14(4) 545-558
Pringle, Robert W., The Heritage and Future of Russian
Intelligence: 11(2) 175-184
Pringle, Robert W., The Limits of OSINT: Diagnosing the Soviet
Media, 1985-1989: 16(2) 280-289
Quinn, James L. Staffing the Intelligence Community: The Pros and
Cons of an Intelligence Reserve: 13(2) 160-170
Reese, John R., A Case Study in Operational Intelligence: 11(1)
Reich, Robert C., Re-examining the Team A-Team B Exercise: 3(3)
Rhee, Will, Comparing U.S. Operations Kingpin (1970) and Eagle
Claw (1980): 6(4) 489-506
Richelson, Jeffrey T., "Truth Conquers All Chains": The U.S. Army
Intelligence Support Activity, 1981-1989: 12(2) 168-200
Richelson, Jeffrey T., From MONARCH EAGLE to MODERN AGE: The
Consolidation of U.S. Defense HUMINT: 10(2) 131-164
Richelson, Jeffrey T., MASINT: The New Kid in Town: 14(2) 149-192
Richelson, Jeffrey T., Out of the Black: The Disclosure and
Declassification of the National Reconnaissance Office: 11(1) 1-25
Richelson, Jeffrey T., Restructuring the NRO: From the Cold War’s
End to the 21st Century: 15(4) 496-539
Richelson, Jeffrey T., The Calculus of Intelligence Cooperation:
4(3) 307-323
Richelson, Jeffrey T., The IPCRESS File: The Great Game in Film
and Fiction, 1953-2002: 16(3) 462-498
Richelson, Jeffrey T., Undercover in Outer Space: The Creation and
Evolution of the NRO, 1960-1963: 13(3) 301-344
Richelson, Jeffrey T., When Kindness Fails: Assassination as a
National Security Option: 15(2) 243-274
Riley, Patrick R., CIA And Its Discontents: 11(3) 255-270
Robertson, Kenneth G., Canadian Intelligence Policy: The Role and
Future of CSIS: 3(2) 225-248
Rodman, David, Against Fishel: Another Look At The Liberty
Incident: 9(1) 73-80
Rudner, Martin, The Future of Canada’s Defence Intelligence: 15(4)
Russell, Richard L., CIA: A Cold War Relic?: 8(1) 11-20
Sakkas, Peter E., Espionage and Sabotage in the Computer World:
5(2) 155-202
Sayle, Edward F., Nuggets from Intelligence History: 1(2) 115-126
Sayle, Edward F., The Déja Vu of American Secret Diplomacy: 2(3)
Sayle, Edward F., The Historical Underpinnings of the U.S.
Intelligence Community: 1(1) 1-27
Sayle, Edward F., Tradecraft in Ancient Greece: 2(2) 189-202
Scalingi, Paula L., Intelligence Community Cooperation: The Arms
Control Model: 5(4) 401-410
Schwartau, Winn, "Defense in Depth" for Information Systems
Survival: 8(2) 229-234
Segell, Glen M., French Cryptography Policy: The Turnabout of
1999: 13(3) 345-358
Sheldon, Rose Mary, Caesar, Intelligence, and Ancient Britain:
15(1) 77-100
Sheldon, Rose Mary, Hannibal’s Spies: 1(3) 53-70
Sheldon, Rose Mary, The Ancient Imperative: Clandestine Operations
and Covert Action: 10(3) 299-315
Sheldon, Rose Mary, The Spartacus Rebellion: A Roman Intelligence
Failure?: 6(1) 69-84
Shoham, Dany, The Anthrax Evidence Points to Iraq: 16(1) 39-68
Shpiro, Shlomo, The Media Strategies of Intelligence Services:
14(4) 485-502
Shreeve, Thomas W. and James J. Dowd Jr., Building a
Learning Organization: Teaching with Cases at CIA: 10(1) 97-107
Simmons, Robert Ruhl, Intelligence Policy and Performance in
Reagan’s First Term: A Good Record or Bad?: 4(1) 1-22
Smith, Bradley F., Sharing Ultra in World War II: 2(1) 59-72
Smith, Michael Douglas, CIA Publications: Serving the President
with Daily Intelligence: 12(2) 201-206
Smith, Richard Harris, The First Moscow Station: An Espionage
Footnote to Cold War History: 3(3) 333-346
Sommers, Marilyn P., Law Enforcement Intelligence: A New Look:
1(3) 25-40
Sparrow, Malcolm K., Network Vulnerabilities and Strategic
Intelligence in Law Enforcement: 5(3) 255-274
Spence, Richard B., Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley and British
Intelligence in America, 1914-1918: 13(3) 359-371
Spence, Richard B., The Strange Case of Sergius Riis: 15(2)
Spence, Richard B., The Tragic Fate of Kalamatiano: America’s Man
in Moscow: 12(3) 346-374
Stack, Kevin P., A Negative View of Competitive Analysis: 10(4)
Stack, Kevin P., Appreciating President Ford’s Legacy to
Intelligence: 12(1) 73-79
Steele, Robert D., The Importance of Open Source Intelligence To
The Military: 8(4) 457-470
Steele, Robert David, A Critical Evaluation of U.S. National
Intelligence Capabilities: 6(2) 173-193
Steele, Robert David, Crafting Intelligence in the Aftermath of
Disaster: 15(2) 161-178
Steele, Robert David, Possible Presidential Intelligence
Initiatives: 13(4) 409-423
Steele, Robert David, Reinventing Intelligence: Holy Grail or
Mission Impossible?: 7(2) 199-203
Steinacher, Gerald, The Special Operations Executive (SOE) in
Austria, 1940-1945: 15(2) 211-221
Stempel, John D., Error, Folly, and Policy Intelligence: 12(3)
Stempel, John D., Robert W. Pringle Jr. and Tom
Stempel, Intelligence and the Cinema: 15(1) 115-124
Strong, J. Thompson, Covert Activities and Intelligence
Operations: Congressional and Executive Roles Redefined: 1(2) 63-72
Strong, J. Thompson, Tilting with Machiavelli: Fighting
Competitive Espionage in the 1990s: 7(2) 161-174
Swenson, Russell G., Intelligence Education in the Americas: 16(1)
Taplin, Winn L., Six General Principles of Intelligence: 3(4)
Tenet, George J., The CIA and the Security Challenges of the New
Century: 13(2) 133-143
Theodorou, Jerry, Political Risk Reconsidered: 6(2) 147-171
Thomas Jr., Ronald C., Influences on Decisionmaking at the Bay of
Pigs: 3(4) 537-548
Thomas Jr., Stafford T., Hidden in Plain Sight: Searching for the
CIA’s "New Missions": 13(2) 144-159
Thomas, Stafford T., A Political Theory of the CIA: 11(1) 57-72
Thomas, Stafford T., Assessing Current Intelligence Studies: 2(2)
Thomas, Stafford T., Presidential Styles and DCI Selection: 7(2)
Thomas, Stafford T., The CIA’s Bureaucratic Dimensions: 12(4)
Thornton, Richard C., The Unfulfilled Promise of Declassification:
11(4) 447-451
Toffler, Alvin and Heidi Toffler, Powershift: The World’s
Most Dangerous Brain Drains: 5(3) 329-331
Toscano, Mario, "Machiavelli" Views World War II Intelligence:
1(3) 41-52
Tovar, B. Hugh, The Indonesian Crisis of 1965-1966: A
Retrospective: 7(3) 313-338
Tovar, B. Hugh, Thoughts on Running a Small War: 1(3) 85-93
Tovar, B. Hugh, Vietnam Revisited: The United States and
Diem’s Death: 5(3) 291-312
Tovar, Hugh, The Debate Continues: The CIA In Indonesia: The
Scholars vs. The Professionals – II. The Professionals: The Kahin’s CIA Fever:
10(2) 218-221
Trim, Peter R. J., Public and Private Sector Cooperation in
Counteracting Cyberterrorism: 16(4) 594-608
Trim, Peter R. J., The Company-Intelligence Interface and
National Security: 13(2) 204-214
Troy, Thomas F., Knifing of the OSS: 1(3) 95-108
Troy, Thomas F., The "Correct" Definition of Intelligence: 5(4)
Troy, Thomas F., The British Assault on J. Edgar Hoover: The
Tricycle Case: 3(2) 169-209
Troy, Thomas F., The Gaunt-Wiseman Affair: British Intelligence in
New York in 1915: 16(3) 442-461
Troy, Thomas F., The Quaintness of the U.S. Intelligence
Community: Its Origin, Theory, and Problems: 2(2) 245-266
Troy, Thomas F., Writing History in CIA: A Memoir of Frustration:
7(4) 397-411
Turner, Michael A., CIA-FBI Non-Cooperation: Cultural Trait or
Bureaucratic Inertia?: 8(3) 259-274
Turner, Michael A., Issues in Evaluating U.S. Intelligence: 5(3)
Turner, Michael A., Setting Analytical Priorities in U.S.
Intelligence: 9(3) 33-41
Turner, Michael A., Understanding CIA’s Role in Intelligence: 4(3)
Turner, Robert F., The CIA’s Nicaragua "Murder Manual": A
Sandinista Dirty Trick?": 9(1) 33-41
Tyson, James L., The EOU vs. Hitler’s Mini-Missiles: 12(1) 80-87
Unsinger, Peter C., Three Intelligence Blunders in Korea: 3(4)
Unsinger, Peter Charles, Meeting A Commercial Need for
Intelligence: The International Maritime Bureau: 12(1) 58-72
Usowski, Peter S., John McCone and the Cuban Missile Crisis: A
Persistent Approach to the Intelligence-Policy Relationship: 2(4) 547-576
Valcourt, Richard R., Controlling U.S. Hired Hands: 2(2) 163-178
Vital, David, Images of Other Peoples in the Making of
Intelligence and Foreign Policy: 16(1) 16-33
Waller, John H., Josiah Harlan: American Freebooter in
Nineteenth-Century Afghanistan: 15(3) 429-439
Waller, John H., The Devil’s Doctor: Felix Kersten: 11(3) 299-330
Waller, John H., The Double Life of Admiral Canaris: 9(3) 271-289
Wannall, W. Raymond, The FBI’s Domestic Intelligence
Operations: Domestic Security in Limbo: 4(4) 443-473
Wannall, W. Raymond, Undermining Counterintelligence
Capability: 15(3) 321-329
Warner, Michael, Sophisticated Spies: CIA’s Links to Liberal
Anti-Communists, 1949-1967: 9(3) 425-433
Warner, Michael, The CIA’s Office of Policy Coordination: From NSC
10/2 to NSC 68: 11(2) 211-220
Warner, William T., International Technology Transfer and Economic
Espionage: 7(2) 143-160
Warren, Ward, Politics, Presidents, and DCIs: 8(3) 337-344
Waxman, Matthew C., Emerging Intelligence Challenges: 10(3)
Wege, Carl Anthony, Assad’s Legions: The Syrian Intelligence
Services: 4(1) 91-100
Wege, Carl Anthony, Iranian Intelligence Organizations: 10(3)
Wege, Carl Anthony, The Syrian Socialist Party: An Intelligence
Asset?: 7(3) 339-351
Weller, Geoffrey R., Accountability in Canadian Intelligence
Services: 2(3) 415-441
Weller, Geoffrey R., Assessing Canadian Intelligence Literature:
1980-2000: 14(1) 49-61
Weller, Geoffrey R., Comparing Western Inspectors General of
Intelligence and Security: 9(3) 383-406
Weller, Geffrey R., Oversight of Australia’s Intelligence
Services: 12(4) 484-503
Weller, Geoffrey R., Political Scrutiny and Control of
Scandinavia’s Security and Intelligence Services: 13(2) 171-192
Weller, Geoffrey R., The Internal Modernization of Western
Intelligence Agencies: 14(3) 299-322
Westerfield, H. Bradford, Inside Ivory Bunkers: CIA
Analysts Resist Managers’ "Pandering" – Part I: 9(3) 407-424
Westerfield, H. Bradford, Inside Ivory Bunkers: CIA
Analysts Resist Managers’ "Pandering" – Part II: 10(1) 19-54
Wettering, Frederick L., (C)overt Action: The Disappearing "C":
16(4) 561-572
Wettering, Frederick L., The Internet and the Spy Business: 14(3)
Wheaton, Kristan J., Analysis in Crisis Prevention: 14(2) 223-233
Wheeler, Douglas L., The Archives of Portugal: A Guide to an
Intelligence Treasure Trove: 4(4) 539-550
White, Ralph K., Empathy as an Intelligence Tool: 1(1) 57-75111
White, William, The Microdot: Then and Now: 3(2) 249-269
Winchell, Sean P., Pakistan’s ISI: The Invisible Government: 16(3)
Windmiller, Marshall, A Tumultuous Time: OSS and Army Intelligence
in India, 1942-1946: 8(1) 105-124
Wirtz, James J., Constraints on Intelligence Collaboration: The
Domestic Dimension: 6(1) 85-99
Wirtz, James J., Miscalculation, Surprise and American
Intelligence after the Cold War: 5(1) 1-16
Wittkoff, E. Peter, Brazil’s SIVAM: Surveillance Against
Crime and Terrorism: 16(4) 543-560
Wright, Jeffrey W., Intelligence and Economic Security: 5(2)
Yu, Maochun, OSS In China – New Information About an Old Role:
7(1) 75-96
Ziegler, David W., Yellow Rain: An Analysis That Went Awry: 2(1)